Whats Happening

*  Starting off at 19.15 with the St Michaels Bell Ringers until 20.00

*  Followed by Swanvesta in the church yard until 22.30. St Michaels Church will also have lots of stalls including food and drink.

*  At three spots along the street, which is closed from 20.00 to 22.00, there will be Morris and Folk Dancing by six dance sides.

*  St Michaels school will be holding events in the Lower and Upper School playgrounds from 19.30 to 20.30.

*  The Ver Players, a ukulele group, will be performing in the Lower School playground from 20.00 

*  Back at the Six Bells there will be live music by the All Stars from 20.00 plus food and drink.

*  Redbourn Folk Club will be playing at the Waffle House from 19.00 to 22.00. 

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